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Balance at work: the core competence of tomorrow’s manager

You’re not born a manager, you become one. Balanced France helps you to reveal your full potential as a professional and manager thanks to the Balanced at work method. 

Conform to the

Balanced at work method

Join a Balanced at work bootcamp 

 3 days to

understand their essential physiological and

psychological needs thanks to neurosciences


Integrate concrete tools

to manage periods of calm, intensity and post intensity 


Leaving with the knowledge on how to implement an individual and collective action plan

Network with participating companies

While continuing to work at 40% to apply the teachings live with the coach! 

Balanced France - BootCamp - 5.jpg

Organize a Balanced at work seminar or workshop for your team

You don’t have three days?

Organize a one-day seminar to train yourself in the basics of the Balanced at work method!

Or educate your teams on an 1h30 format. 

Check out their reviews:

Testimony of a manager

Testimony of a leader

Ready to switch to
Balanced at work?
Let’s talk about it

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